StockHolding Corporate

Mr. Atul Saxena
Managing Director & CEO

Managing Director & CEO's message

I am honored to join Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited as Managing Director & CEO. I look forward to working with the talented team at StockHolding to build on the company’s strong foundation and drive continued growth and innovation. Together, we will strive to deliver exceptional value to our stakeholders and achieve new milestones in our industry.

StockHolding Corporate

Chief Operating Officer

Chief Operating Officer's message

Exponential changes in technology have transformed the way we connect, communicate and interact with the world. StockHolding is committed to being at the forefront of these changes, ensuring that our customers’ experience is seamless. Our teams are continuously reinventing the processes to improve the digital journey of the customer. Tech refresh, digital transformation and digital partnerships have enabled us to provide a robust platform to our customers. Digital Transformation in StockHolding is not just an IT project, it is a leadership-level organisation-wide initiative. StockHolding has taken all measures in securing the data of the customers and maintaining the integrity and confidentiality. Adoption of latest cybersecurity framework and cutting-edge technologies have supported our endeavours to extend uninterrupted services round the clock.

As we look to the future, StockHolding will continue to enhance the digital offerings, introducing new features, products and services to make your interactions with us easier and more rewarding. Your trust in StockHolding is our greatest asset and we will continue to give our best to serve you better.

About Us

A fast growing economy needs an equally robust financial ecosystem to back it.

At StockHolding we are committed to making it happen. We were incorporated in 1986 as a Public Limited Company and are a subsidiary of IFCI Limited.

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StockHolding Corporate

Product & Services

Whether you’re thinking about the day-to-day finances or planning ahead,

Whether you’re looking to manage local transactions or global ones, we’ve got it all covered.

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Important Messages

Please be aware, you may be approached by certain entities, individuals falsely representing themselves as Stock Holding Corporation of India’s employees, affiliates, agents, or representatives. They might try to gain access to your personal information or induce you to part with your money or other valuables by offering sell, buy, invest, finance, or any other business opportunities by claiming that they are contacting you on behalf of StockHolding. Such fraudulent offers and claims are usually received via Social Media platforms like telegram, facebook, whatsapp and/or email, internet, text message, phone, etc.

These claims and offers are fraudulent and invalid, and you are strongly advised to exercise great caution and disregard such offers and invitations.

Accordingly, we request you to immediately get in touch with us via email at upon receiving any suspicious offer or invitation and additionally notify the police or other competent authority.

Please note that under no circumstances shall, Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries, be held liable or responsible for any claims, losses, damages, expenses, or other inconvenience resulting from or in any way connected to the actions of these imposters.


PUBLIC NOTICE : Caution regarding 2000 quantity of lost secured colour stationery
Inviting bids for premises of Satellite Branch
StockHolding Foundation Thumbnail

StockHolding Foundation

We work with local partners and employee volunteers to strive to be a more responsible company.

We are determined to minimise our environmental impact, invest in our people to create a larger and more sustainable social impact..

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